Daltons Vegetable Fert
A quality blend of controlled and slow release fertilisers formulated specifically for New Zealand growing conditions. Promotes strong plant growth and increased crop yield.
- Designed for New Zealand growing conditions.
- Easy spread formulation.
- Enhanced formula for lush green healthy foliage.
- Increased soluble phosphorus and potassium levels for enhanced vegetable production.
N:13 P:3 K:11 +1.5Mg +TE
How to use:
Prior to Planting
Apply evenly at the rate of ½ scoop per m2. Mix thoroughly with existing soil to a depth of 5-15cm and water well.
Established Plants
Apply at the rate of ½ -1 scoop per m2 evenly across the garden bed. Water in well after application. Daltons Vegetable Fert can be applied year round to suit your crop.
Topdressing Vegetables in Containers or Bags
Add 5g per litre of the container. Spread evenly around top of container or bag avoiding direct contact with foliage and water well.
Product Safety Information
Please click for Safety Data Sheet
Daltons Vegetable Fert