How to stake a Tomato plant
Tomato plants are naturally a sprawling vine, which would grow across the ground unless you train them onto a support. Tomatoes come in two plant types called Determinate and Indeterminate.
Tomato plants are naturally a sprawling vine, which would grow across the ground unless you train them onto a support. Tomatoes come in two plant types called Determinate and Indeterminate.
Asparagus is one veggie that is worthwhile investing your time in to grow. Quite literally it will take two years to get your crop but once it starts, they will crop for 15 years or more. It is a fantastic way to keep a steady supply for the Kiwi...
Growing Rhubarb will provide you your own source of one of the most delicious vegetables around. Rhubarb is often thought of as a fruit but in fact it is a vegetable. It is a very hardy plant that can tolerate frosts and wind and is relatively pest and disease free....
When planting strawberry plants, there are several things that areimportant to produce a great crop. One of the most important tasks ismanaging runners and removing them from your strawberry plant. Managing Strawberry Runners Most strawberries produce runners, which are simply a type of stem that runacross the top of the...
Growing Potatoes in Canterbury. Chitting your potatoes is simply another way of saying sprouting them. Lay out your potatoes in a dry and airy place, out of direct sunlight but with indirect light. Avoid putting them in a dark cupboard as this will produce weak sprouts that break easily. It...
Nothing says summer better than fresh home grown Strawberries, especially on the Christmas Pavlova or in fruit salad. They grow equally well in the ground, raised gardens, planter boxes or in pots and containers. Mid winter is the time to plant them if you want a long summer of strawberries...
Garlic is one of easiest crops to grow, and it takes up a relatively small area in the garden. It has traditionally been planted on the shortest day and harvested on the longest but can be planted in May as well. It has many health giving properties and is used...
Like Garlic, Shallots are traditionally planted on the shortest day and harvested on the longest. Shallots though are quite versatile and can be planted any time from May to August, right up to spring. Shallots give a sweetness to dishes that ask for onions and are just as easy to...
Crop rotation simply means dividing your garden into several sections and planting a different plant family every year. Records play an important part in crop rotation so that you know where to plant your crops the next year.
Herbs can add greenery and colour to pots and garden beds while providing useful and delicious foliage for your meals and potions. Here's our guide on how to grow herbs successfully. Growing Herbs Guide
They can give you a wonderful space to grow fruit and vegetables, or create Here's our guide on how to care for your indoor greenery. Raised Gardens Guide
There's nothing more rewarding than growing your own greenery from a tiny seed. Here's our guide on how to raise seeds and give them a healthiest start. Raising Seeds Guide
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